Castle Ridge Keep is an equine breeding, boarding, physical therapy, rehabilitating and training facility, celebrating 20 years of service in Crystal…
Pasture board$180mo.Full care 12x14 stalls$250 Inside arena.Will board any horse,pony,donkey&farm animals.Do farm animal&exotic animal Rescue also…
Quality Rocky and Kentucky Mountain Bloodlines, We raise and train for temperment and gait. Home of "Legends Storm Traveler" Stand at Stud reg RMHA…
Fifth Generation Family Farm that takes pride in producing quality horses, hay, straw, Rottweilers, Labs and Jack Russell Terriers. We also stand…
training in dressage and jumping, breeding, lessons, importing
We show and train all-around show horses. We offer 2 miniature horses, at stud.
Our passion is to train and show in hitch classes along with halter classes.
Located about 20mins. south east of Cassopolis, MI. Showing, Show Grooming, and breeding of Miniature Horses.